Vayigash “and he came near”
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It is customary for religiously practicing Jews to read from an annual cycle of weekly Old Testament readings called Torah Portions. This is said to be the same reading schedule that was taught every Sabbath in the Synagogues during the times of Jesus in the first century.
As Christians exploring the Torah portion cycle we must maintain a balance of including the Old Testament, the prophets, and the gospels in our weekly bible study.
Torah Portion Name and Readings-
Vayigash is the Hebrew word for “and he came near”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 44 verse 18 and going through chapter 47 and verse 27.
Prophets and New Testament-
It is also important to point out that along with the Torah portion readings and teachings, there are what are called Haftarah portions which are readings from the Bible in the books of the prophets. This week’s haftarah readings come from the book of Ezekiel in chapter 37 verse 15 through verse 28.
The gospel readings incorporated with the weekly Torah portion readings come from the book of Luke in chapter 24 with verses 30 through 48.
Torah Portion Overview-
In this Torah portion we see the final reunion of Joseph and his family. It starts with Judah offering himself as a slave in place of Benjamin. This is immediately in contrast to the story of Joseph, where these same brothers sold him into slavery for a little money and revenge. Joseph sees that their heart has changed and breaks down and weeps. At last it seems that he finds forgiveness! His brothers at first are terrified, because they realize that the very brother they sold as a slave is second under Pharaoh! Does death or slavery await them?! No, Joseph explains that what they meant for evil God did for good. Because Joseph was sold into slavery he can now save his entire family, indeed, he can save all of Egypt! Joseph asks his brothers to bring his father and all their belongings to Egypt. The Pharaoh hears of this and is very happy for Joseph. He invites the family to move to Egypt and to live in the best of the land. He sends wagons with the brothers to help the transition and to make the trip more comfortable for Jacob. Joseph sends a gift to his father asking him to come to Egypt. At first Jacob does not believe it, but when he sees all the wagons and the great gift from Joseph his heart at last is lifted up in joy. The son that was dead is alive! He makes haste to travel with his whole family, seventy persons to Egypt. There they ask of the Pharaoh and they settle in Egypt as shepherds where they are provided for by Joseph. Meanwhile Joseph deals shrewdly with the Egyptians. The first year they spend all their money, their savings, on food. The second year they trade all their livestock for food. The third year they have nothing. They trade their land and their freedom for food and seed. Joseph then provides them with food and seed to plant. And so Joseph obtains for Pharaoh great sums of riches including the entire land of Egypt.
I want to focus here on Joseph and his comparison to the Messiah.
1. Joseph was beloved by his father (Genesis 37:3), Jesus is the beloved son (Matthew 3:17).
2. Joseph was shown that his family would bow down to him (Genesis 37:1-11) and Yeshua has been given the name that every knee will bow to (Philippians 2:10).
3. Joseph’s brothers plotted against him (Genesis 37:18), the leaders of Israel plotted against Jesus (Matthew 26:4)
4. Joseph was betrayed by his brother Judah and his other brothers (Genesis 37:26-28), Yeshua was betrayed by his disciple Judas (Matthew 26:14-16).
5. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and thrown into a pit (Genesis 37:20-24), and Yeshua was betrayed and crucified and went down to the pit (Matthew 12:40, Acts 2:27-31)
6. Joseph was falsely accused (Genesis 39:11-18), Jesus was falsely accused (Matthew 26:59-61).
7. Joseph was raised up to rule Egypt (under Pharaoh) (Genesis 41:37-46), and Jesus was made to sit at the right hand of the Father and reign over all Israel and all the Earth (Luke 22:69, John 12:13, Daniel 7:13-14).
Our Messiah reigns but He has not returned yet. One of the reasons He has not returned is that He prophesied that He would not come back until the Jews accept Him.
NRSVue Matthew 23:39
“For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.’”
He is going to return, yet we wait on Him to do so! So much has been focused on trying to predict his coming. I once saw a book that listed 88 reasons why Christ was going to return in 1988 (I think that was the number). Over the years many different times have been thought to be the end. During WW2 many Christians thought that they were seeing the end times with the rise of Hitler who they viewed as the Anti-Christ (he was an anti-Christ for sure!) Many have grown up looking at the end as being just out of site, being told many things to do to prepare for His coming. Yet here I find an irony, for we were told that He would not return until the Jews acknowledge Him. Yet no one focuses on this. He also said that before He would come back the gospel had to be spread to all the earth.
NRSVue Matthew 24:14
“And this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
We were also instructed to make disciples of all the nations.
NRSVue Matthew 28:18-20
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.* Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
The point I want to make here is that we, as the church should focus on His return by sharing the good news and love of Christ with our Jewish brothers and sisters and by making disciples and spreading the gospel. This is our preparation! This is the fruit He seeks.
Furthermore, just as Joseph found forgiveness for his brothers we too should walk in forgiveness and love with each other! I know I said this last week, but this is really on my heart. So often I fail, looking at the daily life and getting distracted. I look at an argument or disagreement I have with a brother forgetting the weightier matter, that he is my brother. Not only this, but my brother whom my Messiah died for and loves dearly! So too, we must view each other as someone of great value!
Torah Portion Scriptural Highlights-
Genesis 44:18 Judah offers himself as a slave instead of Benjamin
Genesis 45:1 Joseph shows his brothers who he really is and asks them to come to Egypt with his father and Pharaoh offers Joseph’s family the best of Egypt to come live in
Genesis 45:21 Joseph’s brother’s return with wagons to move their father and their possessions to Egypt
Genesis 46:1 Jacob moves to Egypt with all his family in the wagons, the house of Jacob numbers seventy
Genesis 46:28 Jacob and his family settle in the land of Goshen
Genesis 47:13 Joseph sells wheat and obtains for Pharaoh great money, cattle, and all land and people in Egypt as slaves
Haftarah (Prophets) Scriptural Highlights-
Ezekiel 37:15 The prophecy of the two sticks of Judah and Ephraim and Israel, being united from two sticks into one and Israel will return to the land with one King
Ezekiel 37:24 When the King reigns and they live in the land they will keep the ordinances and statutes and receive a covenant of peace
Brit (Gospel) Scriptural Highlights-
Luke 24:30 The two disciples recognize Yeshua
Luke 24:36 Jesus appears to the Disciples and opens their hearts to understand that the Messiah must suffer and rise and that repentance and forgives of sins is to be decreed
Douglas Mangum, Miles Custis, and Wendy Widder, Genesis 12–50, Lexham Research Commentaries (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2013), Ge 45:1–47:31.
To Watch an overview of this week’s Torah Portion CLICK HERE