Building Blocks Bible Study Pastor Chris Franke Building Blocks Bible Study Pastor Chris Franke

Why Salvation?

Those who seek to over complicate the gift of salvation with their wisdom and expounded understanding have had this revelation hidden from them while still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You simply cannot achieve a works based salvation.

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Building Blocks Bible Study Pastor Chris Franke Building Blocks Bible Study Pastor Chris Franke

Who is Jesus/Yeshua?

If we have bad Christology, it skews our entire thought and lens by which we read, interpret, and understand Scripture. In our corner of Christianity, we have struggled with bad Christology, and this has led us to minimizing, questioning, and debating Jesus’ nature, authority, role and many times leads to complete apostasy that somehow, we don’t need Jesus, or that Jesus’ work of the cross wasn’t sufficient.

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