The Ten Commandments
How do the Old and New Testament commands work together? Some in Christianity teach that the Torah was fulfilled and thus done away with at the cross. Others teach that all believers in Jesus are required to keep all the commandments listed in the various Covenants listed in Scripture.
As we attempt to get on MISSION with Christ we must combat our own legalistic approach to the calling. Yet the commands of God aren’t legalistic, they are for life. Are the 10 commandments abolished in the New Testament, or are they upheld? As Jesus prepares to give His Torah teaching at the Sermon on the Mount what did he model and teach concerning the 10 commandments?
What about the Apostle Paul? Surely, he wasn’t in opposition to Jesus. Or was He?
Join Pastor Chris as we continue our Mission Series. As we look at the character, practices, and teachings of Jesus to accomplish the Mission, He has called us too. Join us in-person or online starting at 10:15am.
The Law of Christ
The mission of every believer in Jesus is to live in a way that honors their commitment to Him. This includes aligning thoughts and feelings with Christ, being transformed into His image, and sharing His teachings to grow His kingdom.
The law of Christ differs from the law of Moses because Jesus modeled perfection and encourages humility, love, and support for others. Believers should bear each other's burdens and work together to uplift one another.
Believers vs Apprentices
Moving beyond basic belief in Jesus Christ into true discipleship requires a transformative journey of spiritual growth. This growth involves understanding doctrine, theology, and philosophy while developing intimate relationships with both mentors and apprentices. The process emphasizes active participation over passive consumption, focusing on practical implementation rather than mere knowledge acquisition.
Judging Observance
Biblical obedience goes beyond mere rule-following to produce fruit that nourishes others and multiplies God's kingdom. This mission involves both multiplying kingdom apprentices and producing fruit aligned with God's teachings. True obedience requires speaking truth in love, maturing in faith, and leading from genuine care rather than obligation.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The gifts that are given have a specific purpose for why they are given. In that purpose the gifts come with all the power of who God is. Apart from that specific purpose the gifts can be some of the most divisive things to God’s kingdom.
God as the Father
Today we are going to look at God, the Father. We are going to look at two different aspects. God as Father in the hierarchy of the Bible, think positional authority, function, and nature. The two aspects need to be delineated. What are they and in the body of the lesson when do you shift from the first to the second?
The Trinity
The Trinity- A doctrine of Christianity in which the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the core Christian affirmations.
The Church
The word Ecclesia is where we get the modern term the Church. We see based upon the definition above the church is more than a system, or religious practice. It is a living and breathing concept. Some say that the church is not an organization, it’s an organism, a living entity. And while that is true, the church IS an organization which pulls and holds together the collective family of God.
If we are going to call ourselves a church, we need to be the church as defined by God’s Word.