Knowing Jesus
Our Messiah teaches us to be faithful in the little things. I believe this applies here as well. If we are faithful to seek Him with all our heart, even with only the little we have, He will be faithful to reveal Himself to us in ever greater measure.
Before You Are Baptized…
It’s a bit more involved than simply getting dunked under water. In the waters of baptism, you are entering into a story, taking on a new identity, dying to self that you might live to God. In this space, God transforms you, recreates you, fills you with His Spirit.
Why Lent? 3 Reasons
The second question might be, “Why?” After all, I’m a Messianic. We’ve got our own set of holidays already (ones that are actually mentioned in the Bible). Why venture into the Christian calendar? I’ve got a few reasons. Let’s take a look.
The Bible (For Kids)
One of my first priorities in training my children in the faith is to immerse them in the stories of Scripture—especially The Story of Scripture.
When Was Jesus Born? Part 2
The cornerstone of our faith is Yeshua the Messiah. We believe that He is God and that He was sent by the Father to show us how to properly understand the Torah. We believe He gave His life as atonement for the sins past, present, and future of those who have accepted His divine sovereignty and His sacrifice on their behalf so that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
When Was Jesus Born? Part 1
The cornerstone of our faith is Yeshua the Messiah. We believe that He is God and that He was sent by the Father to show us how to properly understand the Torah. We believe He gave His life as atonement for the sins past, present, and future of those who have accepted His divine sovereignty and His sacrifice on their behalf so that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The Apocolypse at Pentecost
The apocalypses that took place during the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) revolutionized nations, religions, and shocked the entire world. They were times of celebration and freedom.
Broken Vessels
Jewish tradition points to the name of the month as symbolically appropriate — the letters of Elul form an acronym for the words in the verse Ani ledodi vedodi li–“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” as written in the Song of Songs chapter 6 verse 3.
Culture verses the Bible
Western Society and culture are fixated on status—whether that be a positional authority at work, the head of the house, being financially superior, owning the most material possessions, being the best looking, or being the most intelligent.
The Mercy of God
The violent spiral of humanity didn’t curb itself here though as we see Lamech, a descendent of Cain, become renowned for his violent ways, even boasting of the violence he committed.
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath
So, what is the Sabbath day? Is the Sabbath day Important? Do Christians still need to keep the Sabbath day?
American Christianity is Poisoning Us
When we assign to ourselves an elevated status over another, we assign self-worth rooted in our flawed flesh. The Bible is full of men and women who at one time found favor in the eyes of the Lord, and at another time acted in the same way as the heathens.
What Does the Bible Actually Say Part 2
What does the Bible actually say about specific topics? Even this article should be researched and only used as a tool for you to further your studies.
Living A Peaceful Life
The Fear in the Hebrew is “Yir’ah,” means morally reverent and showing respect. You cannot truly fear the Lord if your life, thoughts, and actions are showing a lack of respect or reverence in our moral lives. This includes the movies we watch, where we spend our money, how we spend our time, and how we treat other people.
The Tree of Life
Since the beginning, mankind has been tasked with a choice. To obey God and eat of the Tree of Life or disobey God and eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Letter to Ephesus
The letter from Paul to the believers in Ephesus is a great reminder for us as Messianic Christian believers in the 21st century.
A Radical Call To Generosity
What if we as believers walked in that truth and gave with radical generosity? Gave of our time, our financial resources, our mental and physical resources. The kingdom of God has many talents, gifts, and trades. What would the world look like if generosity were no longer an obligation to drop a twenty in the plate at church, but a choice to radically give every time you saw someone with a need?
Is Christmas Pagan?
One of the cornerstone theological positions of the Independent Messianic movement has been that Christmas is pagan, or at least has pagan origins. Is Christmas actually pagan?
Trauma: Una Respuesta Sobrenatural
Superar el trauma puede ser un camino increíblemente difícil, pero como cristianos mesiánicos, tenemos esperanza en Jesucristo (Yeshua). ¿Cómo podemos realmente superar los eventos traumáticos en nuestro pasado para poder ser liberados?