Shemot “Names”
Shemot is the Hebrew title for “Names” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Exodus starting in chapter 1 verse 1 and going through chapter 6 verse 1.
Hark! The Hebrew Herald Sings
Transcript from the Sermon on the Book of Hebrews Chapter 2. Hark the Hebrew Herald Sings.
Vayechi “And He Lived”
Vayechi is the Hebrew title for “And He Lived” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 47 verse 28 and going through chapter 50 verse 26.
What is the Bible?
God used humans with different cultural backgrounds, experiences, literary styles, and education levels to pour out His divine revelations utilizing many different types or styles of writings. There is poetry, legal codes, stories, personal letters, apocalyptic revelations, and drama to build a beautiful narrative from cover to cover.
Vayigash “And He Came Near”
Vayigash is the Hebrew title for “And He Came Near” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 44 verse 18 and going through chapter 47 verse 27.
God’s Final Word: Jesus
Transcript from the Sermon on the Book of Hebrews. God’s Final Word: Yeshua.
The God Who Speaks
Transcript from the Sermon on the Book of Hebrews Chapter 1. The God Who Speaks
Miketz “At the End”
Miketz is the Hebrew title for “At the End” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 41 verse 1 and going through chapter 44 verse 17.
Who is Jesus/Yeshua?
If we have bad Christology, it skews our entire thought and lens by which we read, interpret, and understand Scripture. In our corner of Christianity, we have struggled with bad Christology, and this has led us to minimizing, questioning, and debating Jesus’ nature, authority, role and many times leads to complete apostasy that somehow, we don’t need Jesus, or that Jesus’ work of the cross wasn’t sufficient.
Vayeshev “And He Dwelt”
Vayeshev is the Hebrew title for “And He Dwelt” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 37 verse 1 and going through chapter 40 verse 23.
Hanukkah for Christians
To us, Hanukkah was always thought of as the Jewish replacement for Christmas. So, as we started looking into it, we were both shocked to find out that we really did not know anything about Hanukkah.
VaYishlach “And He Sent Out”
VaYishlach is the Hebrew title for “And He Sent Out” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 32 verse 4 and going through chapter 36 verse 43.
What is Christian Unity
The transcript from last week’s What is Christian Unity by Joshua Lewis.
VaYetze “And He Went Out”
VaYetze is the Hebrew title for “And He Went Out” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 28 verse 10 and going through chapter 32 verse 3.
What is Advent?
The Four weeks leading up to the birth of Christ is called the Advent season. It is a four week season that can be traced back to the fourth century in modern Spain and Europe. The first official mention of Advent practices was from the Council of Sargossa in AD 380.
Overcoming The Orphan Spirit Part 4
The transcript from last week’s The Orphan Spirit Part 4 sermon by Pastor Chris.
Toldot “Generations”
Toldot is the Hebrew title for “Generations” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 25 verse 19 and going through chapter 28 verse 9.
Overcoming The Orphan Spirit Part 3
The transcript from last week’s The Orphan Spirit Part 3 sermon by Pastor Chris.
Chayei Sarah “Life of Sarah”
Chayei Sarah is the Hebrew title for “Life of Sarah” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 23 verse 1 and going through chapter 25 verse 18.
Overcoming The Orphan Spirit Part 2
The transcript from last week’s The Orphan Spirit Part 2 sermon by Pastor Chris.