Righteousness a Gift of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Righteousness.
Acharei Mot “After the Death”
Acharei Mot is the Hebrew title for “after the death of” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 16 verse 1 and going through chapter 18 verse 30.
Envy and Gratitude
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Envy: Abstinence is not deliverance.
Pesach “Passover”
This week we are celebrating Passover. The whole point of Passover is that we are supposed to remember a story (Deuteronomy 16:3, Exodus 12:25-27) and see ourselves in it. This same story was told for thousands of years as Jews saw themselves in the story from generation to generation.
Metzora “Leper”
Metzorah is the Hebrew title for “Leper” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 14 verse 1 and going through chapter 15 verse 33.
Anger and Self Control
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Anger: Abstinence is not deliverance.
The Spring Feasts
The Spring Feasts of the Lord are also connected to the Church’s liturgical calendar. The church utilizes Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Holy Monday/Tuesday, Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter/Resurrection Day.
Laziness and Vigor
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Laziness: Abstinence is not deliverance.
Tazria “Conceived”
Tazria is the Hebrew title for “Conceived” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 12 verse 1 and going through chapter 13 verse 59.
Greed and Charity
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Greed: Abstinence is not deliverance.
Shemini “Eight”
Shemini also known as Sh’mini is the Hebrew title for “Eighth” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 9 verse 1 and going through chapter 11 verse 47.
Gluttony and Moderations
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Gluttony: Abstinence is not deliverance.
Tzav “Command”
Tzav is the Hebrew title for “Command” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 6 verse 1 and going through chapter 8 verse 36.
God as the Father
Today we are going to look at God, the Father. We are going to look at two different aspects. God as Father in the hierarchy of the Bible, think positional authority, function, and nature. The two aspects need to be delineated. What are they and in the body of the lesson when do you shift from the first to the second?
Lust and Restraint
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Lust: Abstinence is not deliverance.
Vayikra “And He Called Out”
Vayikra is the Hebrew title for “And He Called Out” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 1 verse 1 and going through chapter 5 verse 26.
Pride and Humility
Transcript from the Sermon on the Taboo Series on Pride: Abstinence is not deliverance.
Pekudei “Accounts”
Pekudei is the Hebrew title for “Accounts” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Exodus starting in chapter 38 verse 21 and going through chapter 40 verse 38.
The Trinity
The Trinity- A doctrine of Christianity in which the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the core Christian affirmations.
The Power of the New and Living Way
Transcript from the Sermon on the Power of the New and Living Way.