Kingdom Righteousness
Torah of the Kingdom: Kingdom Righteousness
Matthew 5:16 through 19
As Yeshua begins to interpret and apply the Torah, He exposes those who have corrupted and burdened the people with their own self-serving interpretations. He hints at just how far their narcissism will eventually take them as He explains that righteousness begins with recognizing the value of every human life.
For the Sake of Righteousness
Torah of the Kingdom: For the Sake of Righteousness
Matthew 5:10-19
Jesus’ sermon on the Kingdom challenges every believer to consider how invested we are truly willing to be—to stake our claim in the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who choose to pursue the Kingdom will, in turn, be pursued by those whose loyalties lie with a different kingdom.
Sermon on the Mountain
The descendants of Abraham once again found themselves drawn to a mountain to hear the word of the Lord. But this time, the incarnate Son of God was seated before them—audibly speaking, teaching, and sharing His Torah. Words that are commonplace in Christianity today fell like nuclear bombs, transforming the hearts and minds of the sons and daughters of Abraham gathered there. Those who knew the Torah of Moses were now faced with a new way to approach the Torah, the heart of God, and the Kingdom of Heaven—revealed by the Son of God Himself.
Yeshua HaMelech
Jesus's model of discipleship centered on doing life together as a family on mission, not just classroom learning. He chose young disciples who knew Scripture and were willing to take risks to follow him. His leadership style was marked by prayer, invitation rather than demands, and empowering others through both words and actions. This approach emphasizes the importance of authentic spiritual growth through active participation in community, regular self-evaluation, and complete surrender to Jesus's leadership.
Jesus Hu Adonai
Jesus demonstrated a unique leadership style focused on constant life-on-life interaction with his disciples. His approach centered on four key elements: all-day engagement, leading through prayer and reflection, focusing on a small group, and allowing voluntary participation. Rather than implementing structured programs, Jesus created a family-like culture with his followers, investing deeply in twelve disciples while maintaining an even closer relationship with three. This counter-cultural approach emphasized organic relationship building and individual calling over forced conformity and measurable outcomes.
The Ten Commandments
How do the Old and New Testament commands work together? Some in Christianity teach that the Torah was fulfilled and thus done away with at the cross. Others teach that all believers in Jesus are required to keep all the commandments listed in the various Covenants listed in Scripture.
As we attempt to get on MISSION with Christ we must combat our own legalistic approach to the calling. Yet the commands of God aren’t legalistic, they are for life. Are the 10 commandments abolished in the New Testament, or are they upheld? As Jesus prepares to give His Torah teaching at the Sermon on the Mount what did he model and teach concerning the 10 commandments
The Law of Christ
The mission of every believer in Jesus is to live in a way that honors their commitment to Him. This includes aligning thoughts and feelings with Christ, being transformed into His image, and sharing His teachings to grow His kingdom.
The law of Christ differs from the law of Moses because Jesus modeled perfection and encourages humility, love, and support for others. Believers should bear each other's burdens and work together to uplift one another.
Believers vs Apprentices
Moving beyond basic belief in Jesus Christ into true discipleship requires a transformative journey of spiritual growth. This growth involves understanding doctrine, theology, and philosophy while developing intimate relationships with both mentors and apprentices. The process emphasizes active participation over passive consumption, focusing on practical implementation rather than mere knowledge acquisition.
Judging Observance
Biblical obedience goes beyond mere rule-following to produce fruit that nourishes others and multiplies God's kingdom. This mission involves both multiplying kingdom apprentices and producing fruit aligned with God's teachings. True obedience requires speaking truth in love, maturing in faith, and leading from genuine care rather than obligation.
Under the law vs Under Grace
For centuries Christian’s have wrestled with the issue of, are the non-Jewish believers of Jesus, having been grafted into the “Israel of God” “under the Law?” This debate is not new as very early on, the Apostles had to deal with the Gentiles relationship to the Old Covenant, or what we abbreviate as “the Law.” The issue arose early with the primary question of whether gentile converts would be required to be circumcised