Ki Tavo “When You Come In”
Ki Tavo is the Hebrew title for “When You Come In” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 26 verse 1 and going through chapter 29 verse 8.
Discipleship: The Dogma and the Dugma Part 3
The definition of discipleship that we're going to kind of wrap our hearts and minds around for the next few weeks is simply this, that discipleship is the pursuit of his presence and his power manifesting in my life for his purpose.
Ki Tetze “When You Go Forth”
Ki Tetze is the Hebrew title for “When You Go Forth” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 21 verse 10 and going through chapter 25 verse 19.
Discipleship: The Dogma and the Dugma Part 2
The definition of discipleship that we're going to kind of wrap our hearts and minds around for the next few weeks is simply this, that discipleship is the pursuit of his presence and his power manifesting in my life for his purpose.
Shoftim “Judges”
Shoftim is the Hebrew title for “Judges” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 16 verse 18 and going through chapter 21 verse 9.
Discipleship: The Dogma and the Dugma
The definition of discipleship that we're going to kind of wrap our hearts and minds around for the next few weeks is simply this, that discipleship is the pursuit of his presence and his power manifesting in my life for his purpose.
Re’eh “See”
Re’eh is the Hebrew title for “See” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 11 verse 26 and going through chapter 16 verse 17.
Ekev “Consequence”
Ekev is the Hebrew title for “Consequence” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 7 verse 12 and going through chapter 11 verse 25.
Prayer As A Weapon of Warfare
A written transcript of the previous week’s sermon for the hearing impaired or those who want to read rather than watch.
Va'etchanan “I Pleaded”
Va’etchanan is the Hebrew title for “I pleaded” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 3 verse 23 and going through chapter 7 verse 11.
Devarim “Words”
Devarim is the Hebrew title for “Words” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Deuteronomy starting in chapter 1 and going through chapter 3 verse 22.
Massei “Journeys”
Massei is the Hebrew title for “Journeys” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 33 and going through chapter 36.
Mattot “Tribes”
Mattot is the Hebrew title for “Tribes” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 30 and going through chapter 32 verse 42.
Pinchas “Phinehas”
Pinchas is the Hebrew title for “Phineas” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 25 and going through chapter 30 verse 1.
Balak “Balak”
Balak is the Hebrew title for “Balak” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 22 and going through chapter 25 verse 9.
Chukat “Statute”
Chukat is the Hebrew title for “Statute” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 19 and going through chapter 25 verse 9.
Korach “Korah”
Korach is the Hebrew title for “Korah” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 16 and going through chapter 18 verse 32.
Shelach “Send”
Shelach is the Hebrew title for “send” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 13 and going through chapter 15 verse 41.
We Need Community
As a follower of Yeshua we believe the Bible lays out a strong case for the need of community. This is more than just regular attendance at a local church, this is walking intentionally with God on a personal level and on a corporate level within a local church.
Trauma: A Supernatural Response
Overcoming trauma can be an incredibly difficult journey, but as Messianic Christians, we have hope in Jesus Christ (Yeshua). How can we truly overcome traumatic events in our past so we can be delivered?