Korach “Korah”
Korach is the Hebrew name for “Korah” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 16 verse 1 and going through chapter 18 verse 32.
The Prophet: Office Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Office Gifts of the Holy Spirit: The Prophet
Shelach “send out”
Shelach is the Hebrew words for “send out” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 13 verse 1 and going through chapter 15 verse 41.
Beha’alotcha “when you ascend”
Beha’alotcha is the Hebrew words for “when you ascend” (or when you mount) and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 8 verse 1 and going through chapter 12 verse 16.
Speaking in Tongues: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Speaking in Tongues
Nasso “lift up”
Nasso is the Hebrew words for “lift up” (Nasso rosh, translated ‘take a census’ literally means ‘lift up the head’) and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 4 verse 21 and going through chapter 7 verse 89.
Prophecy and Discerning of spirits: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophecy and Discerning of spirits
Healing and Miracles: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Healing and Miracles.
Bamidbar “in the wilderness”
Bamidbar is the Hebrew words for “in the wilderness” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Numbers starting in chapter 1 verse 1 and going through chapter 4 verse 20. It is also the Hebrew name for the book of Numbers.
Wisdom, Knowledge, and Faith: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith.
Bechukotai “in my statutes”
Bechukotai is the Hebrew words for “in my statutes” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 26 verse 3 and going through chapter 27 verse 34.
Under the law vs Under Grace
For centuries Christian’s have wrestled with the issue of, are the non-Jewish believers of Jesus, having been grafted into the “Israel of God” “under the Law?” This debate is not new as very early on, the Apostles had to deal with the Gentiles relationship to the Old Covenant, or what we abbreviate as “the Law.” The issue arose early with the primary question of whether gentile converts would be required to be circumcised
Behar “On the Mountain”
Behar is the Hebrew words for “on the mountain” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 25 verse 1 and going through chapter 26 verse 2.
Manifestation a Gift of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Manifestation.
Discernment a Gift of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Discernment.
Emor “Speak”
Emor is the Hebrew word for “speak” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 21 verse 1 and going through chapter 24 verse 23.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The gifts that are given have a specific purpose for why they are given. In that purpose the gifts come with all the power of who God is. Apart from that specific purpose the gifts can be some of the most divisive things to God’s kingdom.
Grace a Gift of the Holy Spirit
Transcript from the Sermon Series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Grace.
Kedoshim “Holy Ones”
Kedoshim is the Hebrew word for “holy ones” and is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Book of Leviticus starting in chapter 19 verse 1 and going through chapter 20 verse 27.
Spring Feasts and Festivals
Christians around the world are awakening to the liturgical Jewish Calendar. It celebrates FirstFruits, Passover, Pentecost/Shavuot, Unleavened Bread and others. These aren’t just Jewish Feasts. They are Feasts Jesus celebrated, taught, and fulfilled the prophecies of.