The Law of Christ
The mission of every believer in Jesus is to live in a way that honors their commitment to Him. This includes aligning thoughts and feelings with Christ, being transformed into His image, and sharing His teachings to grow His kingdom.
The law of Christ differs from the law of Moses because Jesus modeled perfection and encourages humility, love, and support for others. Believers should bear each other's burdens and work together to uplift one another.
Believers vs Apprentices
Moving beyond basic belief in Jesus Christ into true discipleship requires a transformative journey of spiritual growth. This growth involves understanding doctrine, theology, and philosophy while developing intimate relationships with both mentors and apprentices. The process emphasizes active participation over passive consumption, focusing on practical implementation rather than mere knowledge acquisition.
Shemot “names”
Shemot is the Hebrew word for “names”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Exodus starting in chapter 1 verse 1 and going through chapter 6 and verse 1.
The Gospel Of Matthew Class 1 (Part 2)
Our Building Blocks Bible Study Class delves into the book of Matthew. We will explore the themes and understanding of the identity of Jesus. Join us as we encourage you and challenge you to read the Bible regularly and engage with the scripture in a meaningful way.
The Gospel Of Matthew Class 1 (Part 1)
Our Building Blocks Bible Study Class delves into the book of Matthew. We will explore the themes and understanding of the identity of Jesus. Join us as we encourage you and challenge you to read the Bible regularly and engage with the scripture in a meaningful way.
Judging Observance
Biblical obedience goes beyond mere rule-following to produce fruit that nourishes others and multiplies God's kingdom. This mission involves both multiplying kingdom apprentices and producing fruit aligned with God's teachings. True obedience requires speaking truth in love, maturing in faith, and leading from genuine care rather than obligation.
Vayechi “and he lived”
Vayechi is the Hebrew word for “and he lived”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 47 verse 28 and going through chapter 50 and verse 26.
My Own Prison
Transcript from the Sermon Series called Remission. This transcript is from lesson 4 of the series on the topic of the wilderness seasons.
Vayigash “and he came near”
Vayigash is the Hebrew word for “and he came near”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 44 verse 18 and going through chapter 47 and verse 27.
Arms Wide Open
Transcript from the Sermon Series called Remission. This transcript is from lesson 3 of the series on the topic of repentance.
Miketz “at the end”
Miketz is the Hebrew word for “at the end”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 41 verse 1 and going through chapter 44 and verse 17.
The Faceless Man
Transcript from the Sermon Series called Remission. This transcript is from lesson 2 of the series on the story of John the Baptist.
Vayeshev “and he dwelt”
Vayeshev is the Hebrew word for “and he dwelt”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 37 verse 1 and going through chapter 40 and verse 23.
Are You Ready For What’s To Come?
Transcript from the Sermon Series called Remission. This transcript is from lesson 1 of the series on the parable of the wineskin.
Vayishlach “and he sent”
Vayishlach is the Hebrew word for “and he sent”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 32 verse 3 and going through chapter 36 and verse 43
The Call to Discipleship Part 3
Transcript from the Sermon Series on The Call of Discipleship. This is the transcript of Part 3.
Vayetze “and he went out”
Vayetze is the Hebrew word for “and he went out”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 28 verse 10 and going through chapter 32 and verse 2.
The Call to Discipleship Part 2
Transcript from the Sermon Series on The Call of Discipleship. This is the transcript of Part 2.
Toldot “the generations”
Toldot is the Hebrew word for “the generations”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 25 verse 19 and going through chapter 28 and verse 9.